Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Throw that phone" feels the sucking undertow of potential sponsorship

For those of you in the know, throwthatphone.com is the chronicling of one fellas attempt to smash the mobile phone throwing world record.

Physical training has been underway for a few weeks in preparation for the big event this August in Savonlinna, Finland.. A site with video posts has been erected in hopes that corporate sponsorship might be courted. Sho' nuff it worked.

The organizers of the 'throw that phone' operation are in close talks with a SoCal start-up to cover the cost of airfare to and from Finland for the athlete and his support crew. Unfortunately, where cooperations go, so go their political machinations and 'logo lust'.

Negotiations are in effect, but inside sources at throwthatphone.com say that "It's wearing the fuck out of [them]".

You can offer your encouraging words to Matt on the Throw That Phone site.

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