Our new series on bizzare vanity plates continues with this baffeling entry from a Manydigitonian in the South Bay. I was emailed this photo last week, and I've been trying to figure it out. The best I can come up with is that this guy is a cardiologist and this is some crude representation of a human heart beat. The kind you might see on a linear heart monitor.
While driving into the office yesterday, i found myself pondering this plate mystery again when... low and behold the plate itself appeared before me on Crenshaw Blvd. in Torrance. I immediately veered off the road and onto the front lawn of a suburban house, dashing into the back yard I threw my self into there pool where I remained under water, searching for planted "bugs". I did not surface until I was sure that any communications device on my person would be destroyed. Unfortunately, this included my BB Pearl. The sacrifice was worth the feeling of security.
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